First Give (School/Academy programme)

First Give is a small charity that works with secondary schools across England and Wales to deliver a programme that equips young people with the knowledge and skills that they need to make a real tangible difference to their communities through social action.

First give logoIt engages a whole year group at a time, is student-led, and empowers young people to identify and talk about social issues that matter to them, and to work with local charities as they take part in social action activities that they                                                    have designed and organised.

In the latter half of the programme, students take part in a public speaking competition, offering an opportunity for each student in the year to do some public speaking.

After which, one group from each class will bid on behalf of their class and charity to win a £1,000 First Give grant at their school's exciting First Give Final event, attended by the whole year group and a panel of esteemed judges.

Sign up to this programme, to commence in September 2025.


Page Downloads Date  
First Give Information Guide 10th Feb 2025 Download
First Give Curriculum Links 10th Feb 2025 Download

First Give (School/Academy programme)

Activity Details

Start Date
End Date
Delivered in academies, schools and community venues

Get Involved?

For further information about this activity please contact us:

Amy Calvert