STEM Learning - (Staff CPD)

Newly launched programme of staff CPD from Autumn 2024 and throughout the academic year which have been devised by STEM Learning education team.

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Professional development

Professional development

National secondary science conference

Join us at the National STEM Learning Centre in York, where you’ll spend the day getting hands-on in workshops and lab-based sessions, as well as hearing from experts in science education, who will enrich and inspire your science teaching.  

Date: 4 July 2025

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STEM Digital conference: Tech and AI to tackle teacher workload 

Learn how to use technology and artificial intelligence (AI) to tackle teacher workload. Find out what AI can do for you, best practice when using AI and how to maximise the tech you already use to minimise workload.

Date: 27 June 2025 

Secure your place




Data structures in A level Computer Science 

Almost all programs process data in some form and is stored so that it can be easily manipulated by program code. You’ll learn how various data structures are used to organise and store data. 

Date: 27 February 

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STEM Learning Resources is getting a brand-new look 

We are excited to announce the upcoming launch of a new website for STEM Learning Resources.

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Humphry Davy – crossing the arts and science divide in schools 

Highlight the cross-curricular links between literacy and science in your classroom with these resources inspired by the poetry written by famous 19th-century chemist, Sir Humphry Davy.

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National Careers Week (3 to 8 March)

This collection offers a selection of activities, videos and career profiles to highlight the breadth of STEM careers available.

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I’m a Scientist 

Connect your students with STEM Ambassadors, across the UK, through online, enjoyable, text-based chats this British Science Week. Students see real-life applications of their learning and get personalised careers advice from people in work beyond their local area.

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We’ve landed on Blue Sky!

STEM Learning - (Staff CPD)

Activity Details

LeadershipCommunicationSelf Management
Start Date
End Date
Delivered in academies, schools and community venues