Projekts - Skateboarding School Clubs

Want us to deliver a new club in your Academy or School? We deliver Skateboarding clubs in Primary Secondary and Colleges. Read on to find out more!

Projekts logoProjekts MCR is a non-profit community enterprise based in the heart of Manchester and our clubs teach the fundamental and basic skills needed to skateboard safely as well as moving into developing more advanced                                                          skills and learning harder tricks.

The club includes loads of skateboarding based games to keep people learning in a fun and engaged way.

Our clubs are inclusive and anyone can attend and give it a go!  All we ask is that we are aware of any young people with SEND to enable us to deliver and support safely and all have a great time.

All we need is any flat or hard surface (hall or playground, weather dependent).

The cost is £100 for an hour after school for 1 coach ( up to 15 kids) or 2 coaches (up to 30 kids) is £175.

We bring all the equipment for the session.  

We are currently delivering our programme in Edgar Wood Academy.




Projekts - Skateboarding School Clubs

Activity Details

Problem SolvingCreativitySelf Management
Age Group
5 - 18
Start Date
End Date
Delivered in academies & schools

Get Involved?

For further information about this activity please contact us:

Alex Pierce